Imam Abu Hafs al-Nasafi (d. 573) wrote a short, succinct and accurate summary of the Authentic Muslim beliefs in his popular work, al-'Aqa'id al-Nasafiyyah which is what this Sharh is based on. This short tract has been highly praised by all the scholars for its brevity, accuracy and completeness.
- The author compiled and enumerated some 59 points of belief, each one of them being established by a Qur'anic ayah or a sahih hadith. There is a consensus about all these fundamental beliefs mentioned in its' pages and there is no disagreement about them.
- This short tract has been highly praised by all the scholars for its brevity, accuracy and completeness, Some 25 commentaries have been written on it. One of the most popular and used commentaries till today is by Imam Sa'ad al-Din al-Taftazani (d. 792).
- This specific commentary has been taught in Madrassa's, Schools and Islamic universities since then. It is very easy to read and understand while it also provides the student with proofs from the Holy Qur'an and numerous Ahadiths of the Prophet (saw).
About The Author
- Al 'Allamah, Imaam Abu Hafs 'Umar ibn Muhammad an-Nasafi (d. 537) was born in a town called Nasaf near Samarkand in Turkestan.
- He was a great Hanafi scholar and author of some one hundred books on such diverse topics as fiqh, literature, tafsir and so on. Amongst his numerous titles are:
- 'Aqa'id an-Nasafi.'Aqa'id is the plural of 'aqidah, which means, 'to believe in something because of the certainty of its' truth.' This short treatise soon gained acceptance amongst the Ummah due to the fact that it was the most comprehensive and indeed complete summary on the subject of what the Muslim is to believe.
Imam Abu Hafs al-Nasafi (d. 573) wrote a short, succinct and accurate summary of the Authentic Muslim beliefs in his popular work, al-'Aqa'id al-Nasafiyyah which is what this Sharh is based on. This short tract has been highly praised by all the scholars for its brevity, accuracy and completeness.
- The author compiled and enumerated some 59 points of belief, each one of them being established by a Qur'anic ayah or a sahih hadith. There is a consensus about all these fundamental beliefs mentioned in its' pages and there is no disagreement about them.
- This short tract has been highly praised by all the scholars for its brevity, accuracy and completeness, Some 25 commentaries have been written on it. One of the most popular and used commentaries till today is by Imam Sa'ad al-Din al-Taftazani (d. 792).
- This specific commentary has been taught in Madrassa's, Schools and Islamic universities since then. It is very easy to read and understand while it also provides the student with proofs from the Holy Qur'an and numerous Ahadiths of the Prophet (saw).
About The Author
- Al 'Allamah, Imaam Abu Hafs 'Umar ibn Muhammad an-Nasafi (d. 537) was born in a town called Nasaf near Samarkand in Turkestan.
- He was a great Hanafi scholar and author of some one hundred books on such diverse topics as fiqh, literature, tafsir and so on. Amongst his numerous titles are:
- 'Aqa'id an-Nasafi.'Aqa'id is the plural of 'aqidah, which means, 'to believe in something because of the certainty of its' truth.' This short treatise soon gained acceptance amongst the Ummah due to the fact that it was the most comprehensive and indeed complete summary on the subject of what the Muslim is to believe.