Durus al-Lugha al-Arabiyyah (Part 2)
Li Ghair Natiqina Biha
By Dr V. Abdur Rahim
English Lessons & Additional Notes Added By Muawiyah (Mufti) Ibn Abdus Samad
Hardback 347 Pages
Publisher : Jamia Tul Ilm Wal Huda
Arabic Lessons Designed For Madinah Islamic University
About The Book
Durus-ul-Lugha-al-Arabiyyah li Ghayr-in-Naatiqeena bihaa (Lessons on Arabic Language for those who speak other than it) popularly known as Madina Arabic Books by Dr. V Abdul Rahim.
A book taught in many institutes as a beginners guide for Arabic learning. This is part 2 of the book which covers thirty-one important chapters of Arabic grammar, language and literature; allowing the students to become equipped with the foundation/intermediate level.
The book was designed by Shaykh Dr. Abdur Rahim specifically for non-Arab students at Madinah University intending to learn basic writing, reading and speaking skills within modern-day Arabic.
This second volume explains the core lessons and meanings of each chapter in English, along with additional notes at the end of important modern-day Arabic words which are not covered within the original book.
Arabic Lessons For Non-Arab Speaking Students
Designed For Madinah Islamic UniversityThe Difference in This Publication is that it has additional English Notes Added by Muawiyah ibn (Mufti) Abdus-Samad, explaining each lesson in detail.
About The Author : Dr V. Abdur Rahim
* Received the national award for ‘Outstanding Arabic Scholar’ in 1997 CE conferred by former president of India: Dr. S. D. Sharma;
* Received the prestigious Madihur Rasool Sadaqatullah Appa Award 2012 CE for outstanding Arabic Scholar, from the Department of Arabic, Persian & Urdu, University of Madras, India (see ceremony and photos below);
* Deeply learned in the Glorious Qur’an and Sunnah;
* Majored in English Language and Literature (University of Madras, India);
* Holds M.Phil. and Ph.D. Degrees in Arabic Philology from the University of Al-Azhar (Cairo);
* Formerly Professor of Arabic Language for 30 years at the Islamic University of Madinah;
* Personally taught the Arabic Language all over the world such as at Islamic University Madinah, Islamic University Omdurman, Sudan, Khartoum University Sudan, in Germany, Washington D.C. and British Guyana;
* Has been teaching Arabic as a foreign language for more than 50 years;
* An expert on European Languages: their etymology, phonetic change and semantic development;
* Formerly the Director of the ‘Institute of Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language’, Islamic University, Madinah;
* Currently the Director of the Translation Centre at the ‘King Fahd Glorious Qur’an Printing Complex’ (Madina, Saudi Arabia)
Durus al-Lugha al-Arabiyyah (Part 2)
Li Ghair Natiqina Biha
By Dr V. Abdur Rahim
English Lessons & Additional Notes Added By Muawiyah (Mufti) Ibn Abdus Samad
Hardback 347 Pages
Publisher : Jamia Tul Ilm Wal Huda
Arabic Lessons Designed For Madinah Islamic University
About The Book
Durus-ul-Lugha-al-Arabiyyah li Ghayr-in-Naatiqeena bihaa (Lessons on Arabic Language for those who speak other than it) popularly known as Madina Arabic Books by Dr. V Abdul Rahim.
A book taught in many institutes as a beginners guide for Arabic learning. This is part 2 of the book which covers thirty-one important chapters of Arabic grammar, language and literature; allowing the students to become equipped with the foundation/intermediate level.
The book was designed by Shaykh Dr. Abdur Rahim specifically for non-Arab students at Madinah University intending to learn basic writing, reading and speaking skills within modern-day Arabic.
This second volume explains the core lessons and meanings of each chapter in English, along with additional notes at the end of important modern-day Arabic words which are not covered within the original book.
Arabic Lessons For Non-Arab Speaking Students
Designed For Madinah Islamic UniversityThe Difference in This Publication is that it has additional English Notes Added by Muawiyah ibn (Mufti) Abdus-Samad, explaining each lesson in detail.
About The Author : Dr V. Abdur Rahim
* Received the national award for ‘Outstanding Arabic Scholar’ in 1997 CE conferred by former president of India: Dr. S. D. Sharma;
* Received the prestigious Madihur Rasool Sadaqatullah Appa Award 2012 CE for outstanding Arabic Scholar, from the Department of Arabic, Persian & Urdu, University of Madras, India (see ceremony and photos below);
* Deeply learned in the Glorious Qur’an and Sunnah;
* Majored in English Language and Literature (University of Madras, India);
* Holds M.Phil. and Ph.D. Degrees in Arabic Philology from the University of Al-Azhar (Cairo);
* Formerly Professor of Arabic Language for 30 years at the Islamic University of Madinah;
* Personally taught the Arabic Language all over the world such as at Islamic University Madinah, Islamic University Omdurman, Sudan, Khartoum University Sudan, in Germany, Washington D.C. and British Guyana;
* Has been teaching Arabic as a foreign language for more than 50 years;
* An expert on European Languages: their etymology, phonetic change and semantic development;
* Formerly the Director of the ‘Institute of Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language’, Islamic University, Madinah;
* Currently the Director of the Translation Centre at the ‘King Fahd Glorious Qur’an Printing Complex’ (Madina, Saudi Arabia)