Preface By Shaykh-ul-Hadith Hadrat Mawlana Muhammad Saleem Dhorat damat barakatuhum
Allāh Ta’ala created human beings and sent them into this world for a limited period of time. He then made the world a place of trials, creating occasions of happiness and sadness, circumstances of comfort and pain, and situations of serenity and anxiety, in order to test His servants for their gratitude and patience.
Upon completion of this life full of tests, each individual experiences death, which is the doorway to the grave. The grave is the first stage of the everlasting life of the Ākhirah, where the results of those worldly tests are manifested. For some, this first stage will be a garden from the gardens of Paradise; for others it will be a pit from the pits of Hell. After the grave come all the other stages of the Hereafter: Resurrection, Reckoning, the Bridge of Ṣirāṭ and finally Jannah or Jahannam.
During the long journey that starts with entry into this world and culminates with either Jannah or Jahannam, man faces many dangers and has to navigate many treacherous terrains. There is only one place of refuge and sanctuary from these perils, and that is with his Creator, Allāh Ta’ala, the Cherisher of the Worlds. Through His sheer Grace and Mercy, Allāh Ta’ala has frequently prompted us to seek refuge in Him as a way of saving ourselves from every type of danger and difficulty. Furthermore, He has shown us how to practically do this through His Beloved Messenger ﷺ.
It is established through the treasure trove of Aḥādīth that the Messenger ﷺ sought refuge from many things. Every word and action of the Messenger ﷺ came into being through the Command of Allāh Ta’ala, therefore we can definitely say that the supplications made by the Messenger ﷺ were taught to him by Allāh Ta’ala Himself. Allāh Ta’ala is Al-‘Alīm (the All-Knowing) and Al-Khabīr (the All-Aware); nothing in existence is hidden from Him and He is well aware of every particle of the universe. So it is not hard to understand the severity of those things from which Allāh Ta’ala Himself instructed His Beloved ﷺ to seek refuge.
For this reason I, through the tawfīq of Allāh Ta’ala, desired that the supplications for refuge found in the Qur’ān and books of Aḥādīth be collected in one place and arranged in seven sections, to provide the reader with an easy method to read them with regularity. Through the Mercy and Grace of Allāh Ta’ala this desire was blessed with acceptance and upon my request my beloved student Muftī Ismail Bhayat – may Allāh Ta’ala increase him in ‘ilm and ‘amal – accomplished this humble one’s purpose and gathered all these supplications in one place, and also translated them into lucid English. After this humble one’s initial edit, he, together with his colleagues – may Allāh Ta’ala grant them all barakāt – drove this project to completion, under this humble one’s guidance and supervision.
Alḥamdulillāh, it is now ready for publication after this humble one’s final editing and a thorough review in the blessed city of Makkah Mukarramah. May Allāh Ta’ala accept this humble effort and the efforts of these beloved students of mine, and all those who helped in any way. May Allāh Ta’ala make this publication a means of salvation for this humble servant, and a means of protection for all who read it from every difficulty and affliction, both in this world and the Hereafter. Āmīn.
How the Supplications are Arranged The book is divided into seven sections for easy daily reading. Each of the seven sections comprises of:
- One formula of ḥamd from the Qur’ān;
- One formula of ṣalāt ‘alan-nabī ﷺ from the Aḥādīth;
- One formula of istighfār from the Qur’ān;
- One supplication from the Aḥādīth upon which acceptance of du‘ā is promised;
- Al-Mu‘awwadhāt; and
- Concluding du‘ās.
This humble servant makes an earnest appeal from the heart to all brothers and sisters to be conscientious about reading these supplications regularly. “The most beloved deeds to Allāh Ta’ala are those done with continuity, though they be small.” (Al-Bukhārī).
Alḥamdulillāh, these supplications encompass all the dreadful things of this world and the Hereafter and it is hoped from the Mercy of Allāh Ta’ala that the du‘ās will be accepted and the reciter will be saved from all afflictions and difficulties in both worlds.
I humbly request all to supplicate for me, my parents, Mashāyikh, teachers, associates, well-wishers, all who participated in the production of this book and the Ummah. May Allāh Ta’ala bless us all with an abundance of tawfīq from Him. Āmīn.
(Ḥaḍrat Mawlānā) Muhammad Saleem Dhorat Jumādal-Ūlā 1433 /April 2012 Makkah Mukarramah
How to Read This Book
- If possible, read the complete book daily.
- If not, read one section daily.
- Endeavour to read the complete book on auspicious days and nights and in blessed places, so that you may acquire the benefits of all the supplications during these blessed occasions.
- Try to study the translation to familiarise yourself with the supplications.
- Do not read inattentively, or out of habit alone; read with full attention and concentration, with a sense of need and awareness that you are beseeching the Almighty.
- If you are able to, then shed tears while reading; otherwise at least adopt the appearance of crying.
- Remember that du‘ā – supplication to Allāh Ta’ala is a very great form of ‘ibādah. So as well as reading with the intention of beseeching Allāh Ta’ala for refuge and the fulfillment of your needs, also read with the intention of ‘ibādah.
Preface By Shaykh-ul-Hadith Hadrat Mawlana Muhammad Saleem Dhorat damat barakatuhum
Allāh Ta’ala created human beings and sent them into this world for a limited period of time. He then made the world a place of trials, creating occasions of happiness and sadness, circumstances of comfort and pain, and situations of serenity and anxiety, in order to test His servants for their gratitude and patience.
Upon completion of this life full of tests, each individual experiences death, which is the doorway to the grave. The grave is the first stage of the everlasting life of the Ākhirah, where the results of those worldly tests are manifested. For some, this first stage will be a garden from the gardens of Paradise; for others it will be a pit from the pits of Hell. After the grave come all the other stages of the Hereafter: Resurrection, Reckoning, the Bridge of Ṣirāṭ and finally Jannah or Jahannam.
During the long journey that starts with entry into this world and culminates with either Jannah or Jahannam, man faces many dangers and has to navigate many treacherous terrains. There is only one place of refuge and sanctuary from these perils, and that is with his Creator, Allāh Ta’ala, the Cherisher of the Worlds. Through His sheer Grace and Mercy, Allāh Ta’ala has frequently prompted us to seek refuge in Him as a way of saving ourselves from every type of danger and difficulty. Furthermore, He has shown us how to practically do this through His Beloved Messenger ﷺ.
It is established through the treasure trove of Aḥādīth that the Messenger ﷺ sought refuge from many things. Every word and action of the Messenger ﷺ came into being through the Command of Allāh Ta’ala, therefore we can definitely say that the supplications made by the Messenger ﷺ were taught to him by Allāh Ta’ala Himself. Allāh Ta’ala is Al-‘Alīm (the All-Knowing) and Al-Khabīr (the All-Aware); nothing in existence is hidden from Him and He is well aware of every particle of the universe. So it is not hard to understand the severity of those things from which Allāh Ta’ala Himself instructed His Beloved ﷺ to seek refuge.
For this reason I, through the tawfīq of Allāh Ta’ala, desired that the supplications for refuge found in the Qur’ān and books of Aḥādīth be collected in one place and arranged in seven sections, to provide the reader with an easy method to read them with regularity. Through the Mercy and Grace of Allāh Ta’ala this desire was blessed with acceptance and upon my request my beloved student Muftī Ismail Bhayat – may Allāh Ta’ala increase him in ‘ilm and ‘amal – accomplished this humble one’s purpose and gathered all these supplications in one place, and also translated them into lucid English. After this humble one’s initial edit, he, together with his colleagues – may Allāh Ta’ala grant them all barakāt – drove this project to completion, under this humble one’s guidance and supervision.
Alḥamdulillāh, it is now ready for publication after this humble one’s final editing and a thorough review in the blessed city of Makkah Mukarramah. May Allāh Ta’ala accept this humble effort and the efforts of these beloved students of mine, and all those who helped in any way. May Allāh Ta’ala make this publication a means of salvation for this humble servant, and a means of protection for all who read it from every difficulty and affliction, both in this world and the Hereafter. Āmīn.
How the Supplications are Arranged The book is divided into seven sections for easy daily reading. Each of the seven sections comprises of:
- One formula of ḥamd from the Qur’ān;
- One formula of ṣalāt ‘alan-nabī ﷺ from the Aḥādīth;
- One formula of istighfār from the Qur’ān;
- One supplication from the Aḥādīth upon which acceptance of du‘ā is promised;
- Al-Mu‘awwadhāt; and
- Concluding du‘ās.
This humble servant makes an earnest appeal from the heart to all brothers and sisters to be conscientious about reading these supplications regularly. “The most beloved deeds to Allāh Ta’ala are those done with continuity, though they be small.” (Al-Bukhārī).
Alḥamdulillāh, these supplications encompass all the dreadful things of this world and the Hereafter and it is hoped from the Mercy of Allāh Ta’ala that the du‘ās will be accepted and the reciter will be saved from all afflictions and difficulties in both worlds.
I humbly request all to supplicate for me, my parents, Mashāyikh, teachers, associates, well-wishers, all who participated in the production of this book and the Ummah. May Allāh Ta’ala bless us all with an abundance of tawfīq from Him. Āmīn.
(Ḥaḍrat Mawlānā) Muhammad Saleem Dhorat Jumādal-Ūlā 1433 /April 2012 Makkah Mukarramah
How to Read This Book
- If possible, read the complete book daily.
- If not, read one section daily.
- Endeavour to read the complete book on auspicious days and nights and in blessed places, so that you may acquire the benefits of all the supplications during these blessed occasions.
- Try to study the translation to familiarise yourself with the supplications.
- Do not read inattentively, or out of habit alone; read with full attention and concentration, with a sense of need and awareness that you are beseeching the Almighty.
- If you are able to, then shed tears while reading; otherwise at least adopt the appearance of crying.
- Remember that du‘ā – supplication to Allāh Ta’ala is a very great form of ‘ibādah. So as well as reading with the intention of beseeching Allāh Ta’ala for refuge and the fulfillment of your needs, also read with the intention of ‘ibādah.