Fath al-Bari (Victory of the Creator) is the most celebrated Sunni commentary of Sahih al-Bukhari, written by Ibn Hajar Asqalani in 18 volumes. First two volumes are included among the introduction (Muqaddimah) namely as "Hadiyu al-Sari" (The Traveller's guide), in which he talked about principles of hadith, Ruwat and their Thiqah (Narrators of Hadith and their authentication).
It is reported that it took Asqalani 25 years to finish his work.
A work which was the crown both of its genre and of the Imam’s academic career.
It is appreciated by the ulema for the doctrinal soundness of its author, for its complete coverage of Bukhari’s material, its mastery of the relevant Arabic sciences, the wisdom it shows in drawing lessons (fawa’id) from the hadiths it expounds, and its skill in resolving complex disputes over variant readings.
2 Colour Print
4th Edition, 2011