Arabic Lessons Designed For Madinah Islamic University
About The Book
Durus-ul-Lugha-al-Arabiyyah li Ghayr-in-Naatiqeena bihaa (Lessons on Arabic Language for those who speak other than it) popularly known as Madina Arabic books by Dr. V Abdul Rahim.
These books are the best choice for those who start to learn Arabic from the basic level to the advanced level.
This series contains three volumes.
All include Keys and Solutions written by the author himself.
About the author Dr Abdur Rahim Akram
* Received the national award for ‘Outstanding Arabic Scholar’ in 1997 CE conferred by former president of India: Dr. S. D. Sharma;
* Received the prestigious Madihur Rasool Sadaqatullah Appa Award 2012 CE for outstanding Arabic Scholar, from the Department of Arabic, Persian & Urdu, University of Madras, India (see ceremony and photos below);
* Deeply learned in the Glorious Qur’an and Sunnah;
* Majored in English Language and Literature (University of Madras, India);
* Holds M.Phil. and Ph.D. Degrees in Arabic Philology from the University of Al-Azhar (Cairo);
* Formerly Professor of Arabic Language for 30 years at the Islamic University of Madinah;
* Personally taught the Arabic Language all over the world such as at Islamic University Madinah, Islamic University Omdurman, Sudan, Khartoum University Sudan, in Germany, Washington D.C. and British Guyana;
* Has been teaching Arabic as a foreign language for more than 50 years;
* An expert on European Languages: their etymology, phonetic change and semantic development;
* Formerly the Director of the ‘Institute of Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language’, Islamic University, Madinah;
* Currently the Director of the Translation Centre at the ‘King Fahd Glorious Qur’aan Printing Complex’ (Madinah, Saudi Arabia)
Arabic Lessons Designed For Madinah Islamic University
About The Book
Durus-ul-Lugha-al-Arabiyyah li Ghayr-in-Naatiqeena bihaa (Lessons on Arabic Language for those who speak other than it) popularly known as Madina Arabic books by Dr. V Abdul Rahim.
These books are the best choice for those who start to learn Arabic from the basic level to the advanced level.
This series contains three volumes.
All include Keys and Solutions written by the author himself.
About the author Dr Abdur Rahim Akram
* Received the national award for ‘Outstanding Arabic Scholar’ in 1997 CE conferred by former president of India: Dr. S. D. Sharma;
* Received the prestigious Madihur Rasool Sadaqatullah Appa Award 2012 CE for outstanding Arabic Scholar, from the Department of Arabic, Persian & Urdu, University of Madras, India (see ceremony and photos below);
* Deeply learned in the Glorious Qur’an and Sunnah;
* Majored in English Language and Literature (University of Madras, India);
* Holds M.Phil. and Ph.D. Degrees in Arabic Philology from the University of Al-Azhar (Cairo);
* Formerly Professor of Arabic Language for 30 years at the Islamic University of Madinah;
* Personally taught the Arabic Language all over the world such as at Islamic University Madinah, Islamic University Omdurman, Sudan, Khartoum University Sudan, in Germany, Washington D.C. and British Guyana;
* Has been teaching Arabic as a foreign language for more than 50 years;
* An expert on European Languages: their etymology, phonetic change and semantic development;
* Formerly the Director of the ‘Institute of Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language’, Islamic University, Madinah;
* Currently the Director of the Translation Centre at the ‘King Fahd Glorious Qur’aan Printing Complex’ (Madinah, Saudi Arabia)