The Legal Status Of Following A Madhab
According to the Hanafi Madhab, the hands should be held below the navel. According to the Shaaf'ee Madhab, the hands should be held above the navel. The Hanbali Madhab grants an option between the two, while the Maaliki Madhab advocates leaving the hands unfolded at one's sides"
Why taqleed (Followers) of the schools of thoughts (madhaahib) of Imam's Maalik, ash-Shaafi'ee, Abu Haneefah, and Ahmad bin Hanbal.
The fact is that the Religion of the Messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) is one and the Quraan is one?
This Book deals with the issue of Madhab, the approach is academic and non-confrontational. A must read if you want to understand this sometimes hotly debated issue.
Table of Contents
The Nature of Taqleed
The Concept of Taqleed in the Qur'an
Taqleed in the Sunnah
The Era of the Companions and Absolute Taqleed
Taqleed of an Individual during the Time of the Companions and their Followers
The Need for Following a Particular Imam
Taqleed of an Individual
Why the Four Schools of Thought
The Different Levels of Taqleed
The Taqleed of the Lay Person
The Taqleed of an Expert Scholar
The Taqleed of a Scholar who is a Mujtahid in his School
The Taqleed of an Absolute Mujtahid
Responses to Doubts Raised Against Taqleed
The Following of Forefathers is Condemned in the Qur'an
The Condemnation of Taqleed of Savants and Sages
The Hadith of Adi ibn Hatim, Radi-Allahu anhu
The Statement of Abdullah ibn Mas'ood, Radi-Allahu anhu
The Statements of Mujtahid Imams Themselves
How Does a Lay Person Recognize a Mujtahid
Is Taqleed a Defect?
The Taqleed of an Individual and Following one's Whims and Fancies
The Taqleed of an Individual and New Issues
The Hanafi School of Thought and Ahadith
Imam Abu Hanifa and his Knowledge of Hadith
Inertia in Taqleed
Mufti Taqi Usmani is one of the leading Islamic scholars living today. Author of more than 40 books, he is an expert in the fields of Islamic law, Economics and Hadith. For the past 35 years, he has been teaching at the Darul-Uloom in Karachi that was established by his father Mufti Muhammad Shafi, the late Grand Mufti of Pakistan. He also holds a degree in law and has sat as Judge at the Shari'ah Appellate Bench of the Supreme Court of Pakistan. He is a consultant to several international Islamic financial institutions and has played a key part in the move toward interest free banking and the establishment of Islamic financial institutions. He is the deputy chairman of the Jeddah based Islamic Fiqh Council of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC).
The Legal Status Of Following A Madhab
According to the Hanafi Madhab, the hands should be held below the navel. According to the Shaaf'ee Madhab, the hands should be held above the navel. The Hanbali Madhab grants an option between the two, while the Maaliki Madhab advocates leaving the hands unfolded at one's sides"
Why taqleed (Followers) of the schools of thoughts (madhaahib) of Imam's Maalik, ash-Shaafi'ee, Abu Haneefah, and Ahmad bin Hanbal.
The fact is that the Religion of the Messenger (sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam) is one and the Quraan is one?
This Book deals with the issue of Madhab, the approach is academic and non-confrontational. A must read if you want to understand this sometimes hotly debated issue.
Table of Contents
The Nature of Taqleed
The Concept of Taqleed in the Qur'an
Taqleed in the Sunnah
The Era of the Companions and Absolute Taqleed
Taqleed of an Individual during the Time of the Companions and their Followers
The Need for Following a Particular Imam
Taqleed of an Individual
Why the Four Schools of Thought
The Different Levels of Taqleed
The Taqleed of the Lay Person
The Taqleed of an Expert Scholar
The Taqleed of a Scholar who is a Mujtahid in his School
The Taqleed of an Absolute Mujtahid
Responses to Doubts Raised Against Taqleed
The Following of Forefathers is Condemned in the Qur'an
The Condemnation of Taqleed of Savants and Sages
The Hadith of Adi ibn Hatim, Radi-Allahu anhu
The Statement of Abdullah ibn Mas'ood, Radi-Allahu anhu
The Statements of Mujtahid Imams Themselves
How Does a Lay Person Recognize a Mujtahid
Is Taqleed a Defect?
The Taqleed of an Individual and Following one's Whims and Fancies
The Taqleed of an Individual and New Issues
The Hanafi School of Thought and Ahadith
Imam Abu Hanifa and his Knowledge of Hadith
Inertia in Taqleed
Mufti Taqi Usmani is one of the leading Islamic scholars living today. Author of more than 40 books, he is an expert in the fields of Islamic law, Economics and Hadith. For the past 35 years, he has been teaching at the Darul-Uloom in Karachi that was established by his father Mufti Muhammad Shafi, the late Grand Mufti of Pakistan. He also holds a degree in law and has sat as Judge at the Shari'ah Appellate Bench of the Supreme Court of Pakistan. He is a consultant to several international Islamic financial institutions and has played a key part in the move toward interest free banking and the establishment of Islamic financial institutions. He is the deputy chairman of the Jeddah based Islamic Fiqh Council of the Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC).
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