
The Nubuwwah Years



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Allamah Makhdum Muhammad Hashim Sindhi


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Sayyiduna Muhammad Rasulullah Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam, is undoubtedly the most documented person in history.
Every part of his life, from the intricate details of his birth, to the minutest detail of his demise has been authentically documented and is studied worldwide by both Muslims and non-Muslims.
There have been thousands of books written on his sublime and blessed life in a variety of languages throughout history.
Despite the plethora of work in the seerah genre available, there exists gems that remain unearthed.

Through the grace, mercy and blessings of Allah Ta’ala, one of these unique gems has now been worked on and is now available in English.
Badhl-ul-Quwwah Hawadith Saniyy an-Nubuwwah is the work of Allamah Makhdum Muhammad Hashim Sindhi Rahimahullah.
It was translated from Sindhi to Urdu by Mawlana Muhammad Yusuf Ludhiyanwi Rahimahullah and now from Urdu to English.

The grand position of both these scholars in terms of their service to the Ummah is extremely high.

This work of Allahmah Makhdum Muhammad Hashim Sindhi Rahimahullah – translated as The Nubuwwah Years. This work covers the Seerah in terms of the years of Nubuwwah only (i.e., the 23-year period of Nubuwwah).
It includes gems and rarities that are not easily found in other works, asides from the encyclopaedic ones.
It displays the greatness of the Messenger of Islam in an equally magnificent manner and brings joy and confidence to the heart of every Muslim.

In point form, each year has been uniquely covered, interlaced with the rarities of the Seerah.
It highlights the importance and depth of the blessed Seerah and shows us that there is a shoreless ocean of information and illumination in the life of the greatest person to grace the world.
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